Re: defines varname { [values]... } prog...

From: Emanuele Torre <>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2024 14:27:59 +0200

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 02:17:23PM +0200, Emanuele Torre wrote:
> On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 08:57:27AM +0000, Laurent Bercot wrote:
> > Your example with backtick doesn't work because backtick is not a
> > substitution command, but let's assume you wanted "importas foo BAR"
> I am sorry, yes.
> elglob cfiles *.c
> foreground { cmdA argA $cfiles }
> backtick FOO { bar }
> multisubstitute {
> defines newcfiles { $cfiles }
> importas -i foo FOO
> }
> cmdB argB $foo $cfiles
> > instead; and your use of "cmdA argA $cfiles" followed by the rest
> > of the script is sketchy, because if cmdA takes a variable number of
> > arguments, it would also take the whole rest of the script, so let's
> > put it in a foreground block.
> >
> > So you would have something like:
> >
> > multisubstitute
> > {
> > elglob cfiles *.c
> > importas -i foo BAR
> > }
> > foreground { cmdA argA $cfiles }
> > cmbB argB $foo $cfiles
> >
> > and there will be no problem in the expansion of $foo either.
> >
> But that is wrong; you are assuming that cmdA does not create/deletes
> files; I don't think it is that unreasonable to want to use the same
> list of files for two commands instead of expanding *.c twice that
> results in different values.

Or more relevant to your suggestion, it would have been to say that bar
may depend on files generated by cmdA.

Received on Fri May 24 2024 - 14:27:59 CEST

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