[announce] skarnet.org October 2024 update

From: Laurent Bercot <ska-skaware_at_skarnet.org>
Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2024 17:21:14 +0000


  New versions of all the skarnet.org packages are available. This is
a light update, focused on bugfixes, quality of life changes, and
small default policy changes. Upgrade at your convenience.

skalibs- (minor)
nsss- (release)
utmps- (release)
execline- (release)
s6- (minor)
s6-rc- (minor)
s6-linux-init- (release)
s6-portable-utils- (release)
s6-linux-utils- (release)
s6-dns- (major)
s6-networking- (release)
mdevd- (release)
smtpd-starttls-proxy- (release)
tipidee- (release)
shibari- (release)
bcnm- (release)
dnsfunnel- (minor)
apaste- (release)

  Some details below. If there are no details for a package, the
release only contains bugfixes and/or code cleanups.

  * General

  - All packages that export static libraries now install them in
/usr/lib by default. This is to align with what most distributions
do when packaging.
  - If you're using git: the main branch for all packages is now
called "main".

  * skalibs-

  - Important bugfixes for some of the software stack.
  - New function: fork_newpid(), forking a process in a new pid
namespace on Linux (and returning -1 ENOSYS on other systems).
  - QoL: IOPAUSE_EXCEPT will now always trigger IOPAUSE_READ or
IOPAUSE_WRITE as well, which means error handling before the IO
primitive is now unnecessary.


  * s6-

  - Some of the bugfixes are pretty impactful, and it is recommended
to upgrade (including the skalibs upgrade). You don't need to
restart your services or supervision trees if you haven't noticed
anything wrong.
  - s6-supervise now supports a new file in the service directory:
flag-newpidns. If this file is present at service spawning time,
the process will be started in a new PID namespace. (Linux only;
on other systems, the service will fail to start if the file exists.)


  * s6-rc-

  - This is a minor update because a bugfix required adding a new
public API, s6rc_livedir_canon(). Apart from that, the change is
purely bugfixes.
  - You do not need to recompile your service databases.


  * s6-dns-

  - This is a major update because a function was factorized in skalibs,
and the libs6dns implementation (s6dns_minineststring_read()) was
  - A new function, s6dns_engine_query(), was also added.
  - Higher debug levels in s6-dnsq and s6-dnsqr can now dump
received packets.


  * s6-networking-

  - If you're using s6-tcpserver-access with IPv6 addresses, you
should upgrade the s6 package (and rebuild s6-networking if you're
linking it statically against libs6).
  - QoL: s6-tcpclient now does not qualify its argument by default
(the default changes from -n to -N), to avoid confusion when users
give a fqdn without a final dot.


  * dnsfunnel-

  - dnsfunneld can now listen to IPv6 addresses.


  Bug-reports welcome.

Received on Wed Oct 09 2024 - 19:21:14 CEST

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