On 29/12/2014 10:50, toki clover wrote:
> First, anyone who has built a few packages know that when passing --libdir
> to a configure script, one expect to pass the system library directory and
> not
> a package based directory. And this makes build hundreds of package easy
> because no one expect to waste time again and again figuring out what to
> append to `--libdir=' on a package based build. Can you image the pain to do
> this on a system? Hundreds of packages does this to leverage the burden of
> maintenance.
I still have no idea what you are talking about.
* What --libdir option did you give to ./configure ?
* What did you expect to get ?
* What did you actually get ?
If what happens goes against reasonable expectations, I am willing to
modify the build. But so far I'm not seeing the problem you claim to
have. I'm using --libdir and configure is installing the static libraries
in the exact location I'm telling it to.
Please give a precise, detailed bug-report before anything else. Throwing
patches at me and getting butthurt when I refuse to apply them blindly is
not going to accomplish anything.
Received on Mon Dec 29 2014 - 10:10:50 UTC