>Recent versions of the Linux kernel issue a warning when a process
>executes an image with an executable stack, as an indicator of a
>_potential_ security vulnerability. Such a warning is issued when
>execlineb is executed.
I just checked my kernel logs and indeed, I get such a warning as well.
That's pretty weird, because there is nothing in execlineb that
should require an executable stack. I will take a look at all the
source files involved in the final execlineb binary, to see whether
something is poisoning it.
Honestly, I'm baffled - and I hope to all the gods it's just a stupid
mistake I've made somewhere, and not a complex issue involving compiler
and linker details that will take two weeks to untangle.
Thanks for the report. I'll keep you informed.
Received on Thu Apr 08 2021 - 11:01:17 UTC