Hi folks,
For those who don't know, I've been working on a very normal, very sane
project, not rabbit-holey or scope-creepy *at all*: a web server.
It's named tipidee, and I just made the switch - it is now serving
the skarnet.org site.
It's in a good enough place that I can now declare it's in beta, which
means stable enough for other people to download and test it. I've done
all the debugging I could, now I need other people to misuse it in ways
I would never have imagined.
Please download it, use it, abuse it, and send me all the bug-reports
you can.
When it's good enough for a numbered version, there will be a *huge*
skarnet.org release, and then we'll move on to Good Things.
Thanks a lot,
Received on Thu Sep 21 2023 - 07:46:44 UTC