Re: s6/s6-rc policy for Gentoo: The logging directory

From: Paul Sopka <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jul 2024 15:28:24 +0200

>  Any environment variable you want to make available for a whole
> supervision tree should be added via a "-e var=value" option to your
> s6-linux-init-maker invocation.
Thanks, will do!

>  For user supervision trees, I suppose you're not using s6-l-i-m, so
> the best place would be to put the variables in an envdir and use
> "-E $envdir" (and possibly "-e $var" if you need to substitute $USER
> or something) in your s6-usertree-maker invocation.
> If you're not using these tools, the best way is to do the same thing
> they do: put the variables in an envdir somewhere, and source the envdir
> both before running s6-svscan and before running your s6-rc-init and
> s6-rc script.
I tested s6-usertree-maker, but I does not do everything I need. Anyway,
I based my currently working scripts on its output.

This is how it looks right now:


#!/bin/execlineb -P

fdmove -c 2 1

define USER Nanderty
define XDG_RUNTIME_DIR /run/${USER}

emptyenv -p

export USER ${USER}

s6-envuidgid -i ${USER}

backtick -in HOME { homeof ${USER} }

   importas -Si USER
   importas -Si HOME
   importas -Si UID
   importas -Si GID
   importas -Si GIDLIST

foreground install -d -o ${USER} -g ${USER} -m 700 ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} ""
foreground install -d -o ${USER} -g ${USER} /var/log/${USER} ""
foreground install -d -o ${USER} -g ${USER} ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/service ""

export XDG_DATA_HOME ${HOME}/.local/share
export XDG_STATE_HOME ${HOME}/.local/state
export XDG_CACHE_HOME ${HOME}/.cache
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS unix:path=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/session-bus

s6-applyuidgid -U

s6-svscan -d3 ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/service


#!/bin/execlineb -P

define USER Nanderty

rm -rf /run/${USER}


#!/bin/execlineb -P

fdmove -c 2 1

define USER Nanderty

s6-setuidgid ${USER}

foreground {
     s6-rc-init -c /home/${USER}/.local/share/s6-rc/compiled -l
/run/${USER}/s6-rc /run/${USER}/service

s6-rc -v2 -l /run/${USER}/s6-rc -up change default


#!/bin/execlineb -P

define USER Nanderty

s6-setuidgid ${USER}

s6-rc -l /run/${USER}/s6-rc -bDa change

Plus, of course, the catch all logger for the ${USER}-sv process.

I would just export the logging dir variable as I do with the XDG_*
vars, so I do not need to source a variable dir. I would need to define
them in this script anyway, if I do not want to use the env-dir as a
permanent external config file.

Would you consider it a better way to utilize an env-dir as a means of a
config and source it in ${USER}-sv/run, thus exporting the vars for all
child processes anyway?

Thank you for your input.


Received on Sat Jul 06 2024 - 15:28:24 CEST

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