Problems w/ last s6-log

From: Roy Lanek <>
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 02:34:45 +0700

The following worked up to s6-

/command/export PATH /command:/etc...

multisubstitute {
    define LOGS /var/log/s6/socklog-klog

    define IDX \[[0-9]+\]
    define SID SID[0-9]+
    define LBL \[[[:space:]]*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\]

    define KRN_ANY kern\.[[:alnum:]]+

define SIG_ID ${IDX}[[:space:]]${SID}

s6-setuidgid log
s6-log -bt
    n5 s1000000 - +^${KRN_ANY}:[[:space:]]${LBL}[[:space:]]ACPI: ${LOGS}/acpid
    n5 s1000000 - +^kern\.warn:[[:space:]]${SIG_ID}[[:space:]] ${LOGS}/fw
    n5 s1000000 - +^kern\.warn:[[:space:]]${LBL}[[:space:]]IN= ${LOGS}/aif
    n5 s1000000 - f

Now, never mind of '-bt' which is solved w/

s6-log -b
    n5 s1000000 t ... etc.

The problem is w/ the regular express. W/ s6- s6-log tells me that '-'
is an unrecognized action and that it's a fatal error. I am unable to fix it:
what I am doing wrong/misunderstanding?


555555555555555555555555555555555   anjing menggonggong, kafilah tetap berlalu
55555 . 5 l 4 c K W 4 r 3  555555   the dogs are barking, the caravan moves on
55555 +------------ L1NuX  555555   [illustrates useless protest, critic, or
555555555555555555555555555555555   sarcasm]
Received on Tue Feb 17 2015 - 19:34:45 UTC

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