Since a few days ago (but I haven't tried committing anything for a
long time before that, so I'm not sure when it started) I've had
trouble pushing commits to the github mirror of my packages.
I push via git over SSH, with the dropbear SSH client, dbclient,
that reports:
dbclient: Connection to exited: Integrity error
i.e. it interprets github packets as corrupted ones.
I can't pull from github either: same symptoms.
Could anyone who uses github and dropbear (I figure there are
such people on this list :)) try pulling from or pushing to
github and tell me if they experience the same, or if it is
just me ?
Could anyone using git over SSH with another SSH client try
pulling from or pushing to github and tell me if it works for
them ?
Received on Wed Apr 22 2015 - 12:05:52 UTC