Re: [PATCH] Fix possible SIGSEGV on too many ftrigr listeners

From: Laurent Bercot <>
Date: Sun, 05 May 2024 21:02:01 +0000

>Maybe something like Zig's SegmentedList[1] would fit?

  Something like "stop trying to be too smart and just use malloc" fits
perfectly ;)
  (I normally wouldn't do this, but the ftrigio structure already
includes a ftrig1_t, a stralloc and a regex_t, all of which call
malloc, so the trade-off is clearly in favor of aligning the behaviour
of the ftrigio's buffer with everything else.)

  Fix pushed, can you please test that it works for you?

Received on Sun May 05 2024 - 23:02:01 CEST

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